Nowadays, the societies’ zest about how important staying health is getting increase. It is caused by modernization that keep on developing in many cities which brings some bad effects in health, for instance in Bekasi. Many fast-foods like Burger, pizza, and many more that are provided as the second choice food that actually it is not good for health, moreover it can cause obesity. So, to balance that life style they need to do some sport. The societies not only need to know about how important staying health but also need a place that can support them doing activities which connect to sport, such as jogging, volley ball, fitness and many more. Now I am going to talk about Bekasi’s sport area and the facilities it self. In Bekasi, the government provides a place for sport area. It is called Bekasi’s Stadium. It is placed in Jend A Yani Street that becomes a center of sport that can be visited easily because it takes a place in a strategic area, which is in the center of Bekasi city. It is not only as a sport area but also as a lung city because it has a lot of green trees that makes that area fresher. Bekasi’s Stadium has some facilities, for example; swimming pool, fitness, badminton, football, basketball, roller skaters, karate’s area and many more. All of those are the facilities that support sport activities but since it was opened for public, societies’ enthusiast to come in Bekasi is going well. The functions it self becomes as a sport and recreation area. In working day, every afternoon the societies come for walking, looking around, and enjoying the calm wind and situation with their family there. While some PE (Physical Education) teachers are training their students in some subject, such as sprint, roller skaters, volley ball and many more. In another day, right on weekend Bekasi’s Stadium becomes a recreation place for family that wants to do some sport and recreation during the whole time. It is seemed with many visitors that come and the trader that is fulfilled the area, but the high enthusiast from public for doing sport and recreation in there does not support by appropriate facilities. The Bekasi’s Stadium that was built in 1980 now looks untreated well, some of the building looks old and impressed sinister place, even some of the visitors difficult to find out a clean toilet. I think Bekasi’s Stadium should be renovated, rearranged and provided appropriate facilities as a sport and recreation area, so that both of the functions can be optimized and applied and makes the visitors feel comfortable.
Based on my observation, in working day that is from Monday until Friday Bekasi’s Stadium will be visited by the visitors in the afternoon, some place doesn’t optimize well. First, the PE (Physical Education) teachers that is training his students prefer to train in a garden in front of Bekasi’s building than in a football field that takes place in front of it but I think it larger than the garden, so they should not wrecked the garden. When I asked the teacher he said that, “football field too larger for them and there is no forbidden not to train in this garden”. Secondly, much motorcycle park in everywhere and there is no certain security that disciplined those motorcycles. I think security is needed to discipline that area to make it is more safety and watched from people that can damage the facilities building and fence for example; drawing on the wall of the building. It is different with the area beside roller skaters field. It is used sometimes as a football mini for elementary school and volleyball. It is better than others because it can be used for multiple purposes. But I think it should be decided what kind of sport it is, so it will not interfere another sport when it is used at the same time. Thirdly, there is a place that quieter than others because in that place less of peddler. The peddler should stay in certain sport area in the same count to reduce some parts of Bekasi’s Stadium that quieter and some parts that more crowded. On the other hand in weekend the football area is used as a parking area, should I call it as a multiple purposes area to? I do not think so, I think than it is only used as a parking area in weekend and in working day is seldom used why it do not renovate for the parking area. So everyone will not park their motorcycle in everywhere in working day, it is more optimize is not? then for family facilities, to add their interesting comes in Bekasi’s Stadium it should be added by an outbound activity in weekend for recreation, while for the trader that is fulfilled in the bank of the way should be given special place for them and will not interfere visitors that pass the way by riding bicycle even walking.
In another time, when I had interviewed some visitors that consist of some man, senior high school student and man or woman that use basket ball room they were complained about untreated well of the building in there. Some said that they can’t find out a clean toilet and wish it will be repaired for their comfortable and wish to the government to give extra attention for better facilities. Just imagine, when everyone needs to go to toilet but the toilets smell bad, damage, and unclean it will be disappointed. Where are they should find out the alternative toilet? So, to repair it each building should have some clean toilet. Then for the sport room they said that the room is what it looks like, it had been from a long time like that and no changing. So that’s why it needs to be renovated, rearranged and to bring good retribution for athletes, because they also need good facilities to support them in reaching achievements.
The concerns to repair Bekasi’s Stadium facilities should be focus and continuity because it will useless if it renovate and rearrange but after that untreated anymore, it just spend a lot of time and money without benefit from the renovation and rearrange. Focus it means the government should repair all of the building without missing one building or one facility. Then for continuity, it is not only once renovate and rearrange then there is no concern that is to continue increasing the usage of the facilities. The government it self should mobilized extra personnel in maintaining the stadium so that the employee that work there especially in weekend to control the situation that so crowded. Whereas for providing new and having fun building to increase the societies interest in recreation function should be surely maintaining, because if it is weak in maintaining Bekasi’s Stadium will lose in usage again. So that renovated, rearranged and provided appropriate facilities as a sport and recreation area will concrete the functions can be optimized and applied and makes the visitors feel comfortable but if it is without well maintaining, will give effects to the comfortable societies that use Bekasi’s Stadium as a sport and recreation area.
Sabtu, 17 April 2010
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- bekasi, jawa barat, Indonesia
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