Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

For Improving Early Literacy, Reading Comic Is No Child’s Play. Written Report

Based on my reading on the article that I have read, I come up with this statement “who says that comic is only for fun?” Well, maybe this statement will works for adults. When they feel bored with their activities, they will read comic to refresh their mind. Meanwhile, comic is not only for fun but also can be used for children because it is another good way for their literacy. The combination between words and picture are very helpful for them to comprehend the story, as Tiller said in the article “…. how the pictures and words work together in consonance tell a story, you can make the case that comics are just as complex as any other kind of literature” (7th paragraph). So, there are lots of librarians and teachers who added comic for their library list and their teaching. Therefore, I conclude that comic strip, comic book, picture book are kinds of literature genre which supported children successfully in reading, instruction, and comprehend a text, book or story.
When the first time I read this article, I think it will be easy to understand because from the title which is contained by “comic” term gives me clue what is the writer will discuss about and the language tone will give some fun for me but in fact, it is not. It is an argumentative article where I find the tone of it also serious. The writer gives some data and fact about the comic that it is very useful for children comprehension about the book and now it is used as a media to teach children, and then his writing is also supported by Carol L Tilley research on comics and some critics as the opposite of Tiller opinion.
Even though this article is serious, I also find that there is a visual insight and it is very interesting because in an argumentative article the writer put something if I am not mistaken a simile that are “critics should stop tugging on Superman’s cape and start giving him and his superhero friends their due” (1st paragraph). The critics should thinks “should they not wish to anger the supreme power”, I thinks it describes how the critics should thought. They should think in other way that can give other view for their opinion. They should not judge only, but also can give a solution also. The last is “… and it brings to mind the Sunday funnies that…” (9th paragraph). I think it describes the term of comic it self, comic will bring Sunday funnies, something fun into our mind where on Sunday we play freely.
Finally, this article is the good one because from it I can know how people considerations are about comic and the development of comic consuming during the period.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dimana Saja

Siapa bilang belajar bahasa inggris itu sulit, siapa saja bisa asalkan ada kemauan dan motivasi untuk terus belajar. Agus Waluyo si penjual tissue di Kota Tua, Jakarta membuktikannya kepada saya. Meskipun hanya lulusan SMA dan media pembelajarannya yang sangat sederhana, diakui oleh pria berumur 25 tahun ini bahwa ia mengandalkan latihan dengan cara berbincang-bincang dengan para turis serta bertukar ilmu dengan seorang temannya yang kuliah di Sastra Inggris, Unisma, Bekasi yang sekarang telah menjadi salah satu tenaga pengajar di Universitas tersebut. Agus dapat berbahasa inggris dengan baik bahkan berkomunikasi dengan para turis yang datang ke Kota Tua sehingga hal tersebut menjadi keuntungan baginya dalam menjajakan barang dagangannya kepada para turis. Dalam kesibukannya menjajakan tissue, Agus masih bersedia untuk diwawancarai oleh tim 13th Hive, Agus bercerita banyak tentang hidup dan impiannya.

Kota Tua, Jakarta 29th June 2009 02:00pm

Kamu tinggal dimana?

Saya tinggal di jalan Gabus, Bekasi Barat.

Kamu masih tinggal dengan orang tua?

Enggak, saya tinggal sendiri di Bekasi. Orang tua saya pindah setahun yang lalu ke Jakarta Selatan setelah menjual rumah yang di Bekasi. Jadi saya tidur di masjid dan pekerjaan saya menjadi penjual tissue di Musium Fatahillah Jakarta Kota untuk sekedar membeli makanan.

Sudah berapa lama kamu jualan tissue?

Sudah hampir 7 (tujuh) bulan.

Memangnya, sebelum menjadi penjual tissue pekerjaan kamu apa?

Saya sebelumnya bekerja sebagai tenaga pengajar di SDN Satria Mekar 01 di Bekasi Timur, sebagai guru bahasa inggris untuk anak-anak.

Berapa Lama?

Hampir 5 (lima) tahun.

Kenapa kamu berhenti menjadi guru bahasa inggris dan menjadi penjual tissue?

Saya berhenti menjadi guru bahasa inggris karena saya hanya digaji Rp.350.000/bulan, dan itu tidak cukup untuk biaya hidup saya selama sebulan. Setelah itu saya merasa sangat stress dan tidak tahu mau ngapain, jadinya saya jualan tissue saja di sini.

Apa kamu senang berjualan tissue disini, lalu biasanya berapa uang yang kamu dapatkan dalam sehari berjualan tissue?

Ya, walaupun bukan pekerjaan yang menjanjikan saya cukup senang, tapi saya tidak mau jualan tissue terus. kadang-kadang dapat Rp.50.000 sehari, itu pun hanya habis sehari untuk beli makan.

Kenapa kamu tidak jadi “guide” saja disini?

ya, kadang-kadang saya menjadi “guide” tapi tidak disini, saya biasanya jadi “guide di Jalan Jaksa” karena disini sudah ada 3 (tiga) “guide”. jadi kalau saya ikut-ikutan jadi “guide” mereka akan marah sama saya.

Ngomong-ngomong, sejak kapan kamu suka dan belajar bahasa inggris?

Saya belajar bahasa inggris sejak SMP, sekitar 15 tahun yang lalu sampai tahun 2001, sempat juga ikut kursusan tapi hanya sebulan karena biayanya sangat mahal. Setelah itu saya belajar sendiri, dari buku grammar, nonton TV dan sekarang latihan ngobrol-ngobrol sama para turis disini. Awalnya saya tidak suka bahasa inggris tapi gara-gara saya jatuh cinta dengan gadis dari mancanegara makanya saya belajar bahasa inggris supaya bisa berkomunikasi dengan mereka.

Lalu, apakah itu berhasil dan salah satu dari mereka ada yang menjadi pacar kamu?

Ya, tapi 7 tahun yang lalu. Kami berpisah karena dia harus kembali ke tempat asalnya untuk bekerja.

Apakah kamu mau belajar bahasa inggris di universitas?

Tentu saja, tapi saya tidak tau apakah itu mungkin atau tidak bagi saya karena saya tidak punya uang yang cukup untuk biaya kuliah.

Jika suatu saat kamu diberikan kesempatan untuk melanjutkan kuliah, kira-kira jurusan apa yang akan kamu tekuni?

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

Menurut kamu apakah belajar itu harus disuatu instantsi tertentu?

Enggak, belajar itu bisa dimana saja dan sama siapa saja kok.

Apa sih impian atau cita-cita kamu?

Saya menginginkan pekerjaan yang baik, menikah sama gadis mancanegara, dan pergi keliling Eropa.

Pelajaran yang dapat diambil dari Agus Waluyo adalah belajar bisa dimana saja, dan kepada siapa saja walaupun dengan segala keterbatasan media belajar dan mempraktekkan apa yang didapat dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Kedua Point tersebut bila diperhatikan dapat kita temukan dalam konsep dan tujuan pembelajaran Sastra Inggris, Unisma, Bekasi karena para mahasiswa dituntut untuk mempunyai kemampuan secara verbal sehingga pada tiap-tiap akhir semester 1-4 untuk kelas Speaking dan Listening Comprehension mereka akan melakukan kegiatan yang disebut Fieldtrip yang menurut Flower “tujuannya, tentu saja untuk melatih dan mengaplikasikan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris para mahasiswa secara langsung dengan para native speakers.” Selain itu Program Study Sastra Inggris juga menyediakan Lab Bahasa sebagai sarana dalam melatih atau pun mengaplikasikan kemampuan para mahasiswa Sehingga mereka dapat belajar secara mandiri.

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

Browsing is another way to enlarge knowledge

Browsing is a searching and reading sources activity with many references from a link to another link on the internet which is not an old stuff anymore in students’ daily activities. How does it come? When they have an assignment that gets them to find some sources as their reference beside the book, they can browse it as much as they want on the internet. Internet is a server web that provides many sources, data, and files with some browser. “Browser is a program on the computer that allows us to search and find out the data” (smith 1) such as: Mozilla Fireforks, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome and many more. Browsing on the internet is very easy because we just click on a certain link that will bring us into another link in the text. It gets connect to hypertext because of the similar way, that is find out the sources through the related link which is contain a lot of link and it is called hyperlink. However many people does not realize that browsing is a way to apply hypertext in daily because it can sharpen our literacy by interacting with internet and technology.

Everyone can browse everything on the internet. It is not only browse the data or files in text form but also in mixed form such as text and music, music and video, text and video for example; pictures, mp3, video, games and many more. Browsing activity is an applying hypertext, so how is it connected? Actually both of it has a relationship like “open the door before we enter the house”, without the door we cannot enter the house. The door is considered as a link. When we, as a user look for the sources or information, we need to type our keywords or the specific clues first about our topic on the search engine. If we have pressed the “Enter”, directly the internet will give us so lots of choices which door that we want to enter. Then, we click a link that I am absolutely it contents another related link in it or another related door. If we imagine another door is bedroom door, bathroom door or anything else which is still in the house. People do not realize that browsing is the applying of hypertext because of the way is similar. “Hypertext is a structural text” (Hardman 359). It is not linear reading but has many related branch to read. If we read only with a source it is not considered enough to enrich our knowledge. That is the point of the hypertext it self, develops our reading knowledge.

After all, there is a question that wonder why browsing should become the way to apply hypertext and the effect it can sharpen our literacy? Does there is no other way except browsing? Well, browsing is the famous term which less people know it relationship with our reading behavior. They just know the name but do not know the other purpose of it, but they still enjoy it whether actually there is a meaning behind the browsing term or not. No one bother about that, they just want to have fun with all of the stuff on the internet. So, browsing is their way to explore their necessary. As I said before, browsing is the starting point and the activity process in finding or moving out to other link that we want because without browsing we cannot find out information. Just imagine, we need other reference but we do not want to move to other source by clicking the link. So, why browsing is very important because it is the act to do something that the impact we find new source and it is useful for our data. It seems sustainable, right? If we do not do an act to browse a link to find another link, it cannot be said that we had applied hypertext but who care about that? Meanwhile we had applied it, even though we realize or not.

So that I do believe, especially every student has ever done some browsing on the internet. Just asked them, do they know the fact that actually they had applied hypertext? That is why I said that browsing is the way to apply hypertext and sharpen our literacy by the information. Then what is the relationship between browsing on the internet with sharpen our literacy? Well, in browsing information we consume many texts which is provides by the browser. On the internet we are not browsing or finding the information only, like or dislike we are also read some text that we found to make sure that the data is right or even to read the title of the sources or the explanation about the information. That process makes us accustomed in reading process. If we do that consequently, it will give big influence about our knowledge. There, we learn how to comprehend a text and consume it then produce it as a new knowledge. Even though we do not do that consequently, I am sure that it will establish new point of view that will be useful for us.

Event though browsing is indivisible way from hypertext because it is categorized as online reading; there is another chosen in traditional way to read a text book that is Encyclopedia book. It contains different source or information in it, does not it also has lots of sources? Still, it can be used in traditional way but do not we need information quickly? We do not have much time to find some books in the library manually. When we choose some book from one shelf to other shelf until we find out the right book, does it too long? While on the internet we can browse it faster, just type it on the search engine and tada!! We get our sources with lots of link that lead us into other sources. By doing that, we can save our time and find lots of source. Then on the internet we can know about the hot issues around our country, because through it we cannot be outdated from the new information.

Browsing becomes the first choice in finding sources faster because it is known by easiest way and has many variations in the chosen. We cannot be lost the source on the internet because we can get back to the first sources, which are the advantages in browsing and using internet. Indirectly by browsing the data or files on the internet, we had applied hypertext concept and it sharpen our literacy by our self because “we learn, comprehend and interact with the internet and technology independently” (selfe 256). Beside that, we can enrich our knowledge as much as we want because knowledge is no limitation. Whether we find it on the internet or in a book, just do what the most comfortable for your necessary and which one do you like? Browsing on the internet with many advantages or reading a book with other advantages too. Just choose it because it is our chosen and make a wise decision in enlarge our knowledge because there is many ways to explore our self by knowledge and we can find it in everywhere.

Work Cited:
Hardman, L. Hypertext. Ed. Jacob L Mey. Elsevier, 1998. Print
Coiro, Julie. Expanding Our Understanding of Reading Comprehension to Encompass New Literacies. Reading Comprehension on the Internet. February. 2003. Web. 2 July 2010.
Smith, Adrian. Browsing the Internet: An introduction. Norwegian School of Veterinary Science. Web. 4 July 2010.

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Reality Shows Summarizing

Nowadays, reality show program is very popular. It is not only fame in our country but also in other country. Based on my understanding about the article that I have read, Reality show is an event that is captured from reality and took into a television program. As an entertaining program, Reality Show has many theme such as love, fame, money, dramatization of life, dialog, quizzes etc. in certain themes like love and dramatization of life it successes influence the viewers, to believe what they present as a representative of reality is true for example; Termehek-mehek, Realigi, Orang Ketiga etc. For me, I really appreciate reality shows that give education sense than love, fame, money, dramatization of life, quizzes etc. like Oprah Winfrey, Rose, Kick Andy and many others. Besides it gives entertaining, it should give some moral, education and knowledge. I think Oprah Winfrey, Rose and Kick Andy fulfilled those three criteria’s because from others experience; we are showed a lot of knowledge, education and morals. Indonesian Reality Show should consider these criteria to make the program better than before.

Baruch de Spinoza (24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677)

Riwayat Hidup
• Beliau lahir pada tanggal 24 November tahun 1632 di Nedherlands, Amsterdam.

• jiwaAyahnya seorang pedagang kaya yang bernama Miguel dan ibunya bernama Ana Debora.
• Semasa kecil beliau tidak hanya belajar Matematika dan dan ilmu alam tetapi juga berbagai bahasa diantaranya bahasa latin, yunani, belanda, spanyol, perancis,yahudi, jerman dan italia.

• Di tahun 1652 beliau dikucilkan dari komunitasnya bahkan keluarganya memutuskan hubungan keluarga dengan beliau karena ajarannya yang dianggap keluar dari agama yahudi.

• Beliau mengganti namanya menjadi Benedictus de Spinoza.

• Beliau bekerja sebagai pengasah lensa.

• Beliau pernah menolak ajakan untuk menjadi tenaga pengajar di Universitas Heidbelberg.

• Beliau meninggal pada usia 44 tahun karena penyakit paru-paru.
• Beliau dikuburkan di Nieuwe Kerk kota The Hague.

Hasil Karya
• Spinoza Opera, edited by Carl Gebhardt, 5 volumes (Heidelberg: Carl Winters, 1925, 1972 [volume 5, 1987]).
• Spinoza, Ethics, in Edwin Curley, translator, The Collected Writings of Spinoza (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985), volume 1.
• Spinoza, Theological-Political Treatise, Samuel Shirley, translator, second edition (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 2001). Abbreviated in text as S.
• Spinoza, The Letters, Samuel Shirley, translator (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1995).
• Political Treatise.
• Compendium to Hebrew Grammar.

• Dalam berfilsafat metode geometris dapat digunakan karena bersifat teknis atau berunut. Beliau mengandaikan bahwa “ filsafat dapat mendekati kepastian ilmu-ilmu pasti, begitupun alam semesta dan tingkah laku manusia yang diatur oleh hokum-hukum alam yang bersifat objektif”.
Pandangan Monistis
yaitu dasar akhir adalah substansi ‘sesuatu yang ada pada dirinya sendiri dan dipahami melalui dirinya sendiri’.
• Substansi bersifat mandiri tapi juga terisolasi dari kenyataan-kenyataan lain.
• Substansi tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan yang lain, tidak dihasilkan dan tidak disebabkan dengan yang lain (causa sui)
• Hanya ada satu substansi yang bersifat tunggal yaitu Allah.
Pandangan Deus Sive Natura
• Allah atau alam adalah kenyataan tunggal.
konsep atribute dan modus
• Sesuatu yang ditangkap intellect sebagai hakikat substansi adalah attribute.
• Hal-hal yang berubah-ubah pada substansi adalah modus.

Pandangan Panpsikisme
• Setiap peristiwa lahiriah adalah peristiwa mental sekaligus material.
• Jiwa dan badan adalah kenyataan tunggal yang sama yang dapat dipahami dalam atribut pikiran atau keluasan.
• tiga taraf pengetahuan, yaitu taraf persepsi indrawi/imaginasi, taraf refleksi yang mengarah pada prinsip-prinsip, dan taraf intuisi.
• Taraf kedua dan ketiga dianggap kebenaran sejati.
• Sebuah idea berhubungan dengan ideatum/objek dan kesesuaian idea dan ideatum ini disebut kebenaran.
• Ada dua jenis idea, yaitu yang memiliki kebenaran intrinsic yang bersifat ‘memadai’ dan idea yang memiliki kebenaran secara ekstrinsik yang bersifat ‘kurang memadai’.
Pandangan Deterministis
• Tidak ada kebebasan dalam dunia fisik maupun dunia mental, menurutnya setiap tindakan manusia disebabkan oleh rangkaian hubungan sebab-akibat.
Pandangan tentang Passion (nafsu)
• Saru-satunya yang bebas dalam arti menentukan dirinya sendiri hanyalah Allah.
• Bebas dalam artian tidak disebabkan.
• Manusia tidak bebas karena manusia disebabkan oleh nafsu yakni emosi.
• Orang yang bebas adalah orang yang dapat menaklukkan emosinya, mengubahnya menjadi kesadaran akan dunia sebab akibat itu.
Pandangan Sosial
• Kemanusiaan Universal yaitu tidak ada bangsa yang menjadi anak emas Allah, tak ada agama yang memonopoli kebenaran dan tak ada individu yang tidak bias mengetahui allah.
• Beliau adalah seorang tokoh yang merintis konsep hak asasi manusia.

“Richard Branson”

Richard Branson adalah salah satu pengusaha sukses paling kaya didunia. Dia memiliki lebih dari 150 perusahaan dan penghasilannya lebih dari 3 miliar dolar Amerika. Dia juga seorang pemberani yang menyukai semua jenis petualangan.

Richard Branson lahir pada tahun 1950 di daerah surrey di Inggris. Dia anak tertua dari tiga bersaudara. Richard mempunyai masa kecil yang bahagia. Dia itu sangat dekat dengan ibunya dan ibunya selalu memotivasi dirinya untuk melakukan yang terbaik tetapi itu kadang-kadang menjadi sulit bagi Richard. Dia mempunyai penglihatan yang buruk dan juga mempunyai masalah dengan membaca. Baginya sekolah menjadi sangat sulit. Dia juga membenci peraturan dan ketentuan-ketentuan sekolah.

Pada usia 17 tahun, Richard memutuskan untuk memulai sekolah surat kabarnya sendiri. Tapi itu tidak hanya sekolah surat kabar biasa, sekolah it diperuntukkan bagi semua pelajar dimana saja dan artikel itu ditulis oleh bintang rok, selebritis, para politik, dan para pebisnis. Dengan pertolongan temannya dan sedikit pinjaman dari ibuya dia menerbitkan berita pertama pada bulan Januari tahun 1968. majalah itu sukses besar. Dua tahun kemudian, Branson mempunyai ide untuk menawarkan murid-murid pembacanya dengan catatan murah dengan surat. Dia mempunyai banyak pesanan yang kemudian dia memutuskan memulai bisnis lain. Perusahaan catatan pemesanan suratnya disebut Virgin Mail. Dia memutuskan menggunakan nama Virgin karena dia tidak mempunyai pengalaman dalam berbisnis.

Pada tahun 1973, Branson ingin membantu beberapa musik rekaman temannya, jadi dia memulai Virgin Record. Virgin Record menjadi perusahaan rekaman terbesar yang berdiri sendiri di Inggris. Virgin Records memproduksi band-band dan penyanyi-penyanyi seperti Rolling Stones, Phill Collins, dan Janet Jackson. Branson tidak hanya berhenti sampai disini. Tahun 1983, dia memiliki 50 perusahaan berbeda. Pada tahun 1984, dia mengambil sebuah resiko besar. Dia memulai penerbangan internasional dengan seuah pesawat pinjaman. Penerbangan Virgin Atlantic Airways, yang lama kelamaan berkembang menjadi penerbangan antar atlantik terbesar ketiga di dunia.

Pada tahun 1992, Branson menjual Group Music Virginnya hampir sebesar 1 miliar dolar. Di tahun 1999, kerajaan Virgin adalah yang terbesar. Branson memiliki 150 perusahaan dengan 240.000 karyawan. Kemusian dia memiliki 2 penerbangan, bisnis perjalanan, stasiun radio, hotel, studio rekaman, perusahaan entertainment, restoran, bioskop, toko, dan perusahaan penerbitan, semuanya dengan nama Virgin. Dia bahkan membeli sebuah pulau di Karibia dan menghabiskan 20 miliar dolar untuk pepohonan dan tanaman, sebuah rumah dengan 10 ruang tidur yang cantik, dan 2 rumah tamu. Kemudian dia menyewakan pulau itu untuk beberapa orang-orang paling terkenal di dunia, seperti almarhum Putri Diana, direktur Steven Spielberg, aktor Mel Gibson, dan produser televisi dan selebritis Oprah Winfrey. Mereka membayar 20.000 dolar setiap malamnya untuk menginap disana! Kerajaan Virgin bernilai 3 miliar dolar dan bisnis pribadi terbesar yang dimilikinya di Inggris.

Orang-orang takjub tehadap Richard Branson. Dia tidak mempunyai pelatihan formal atau sekolah dalam bidang bisnis dan tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menggunakan komputer. Dia melawan semua peraturan yang telah dibangun. Branson menjalankan kerajaan bisnisnya dari rumahnya di London. Disana tidak ada kantor pusat atau dewan direktur yang membuat keputusan penting. Semua perusahaannya masing-masing berbeda dan semuanya dimiliki dan dijalankan secara pribadi dengan cara yang tidak biasa. Satu hal yang semua perusahaan punya secara umum yaitu mereka semua menempatkan karyawannya dulu dan memberikan mereka sebuah tempat bekerja yang menyenangkan. Bahkan ketika bisnisnya menurun, Branson tidak menyalahkan karyawannya. “semuanya kembali kepada mereka,” kata Branson. “tak ada yang datang mendekat…… semua orang yang kamu pekerjakan sangat penting.” Dia menulis sebuah surat sebulan sekali kepada seluruh karyawannya untuk memberitahu mereka apa yang sedang terjadi dalam perusahaan. Dia juga mengajak mereka untuk menelepon atau menulis surat kepadanya jika mereka mempunyai masalah ataupun ide.

Sebuah contoh yang baik dari bagaimana Branson bekerja adalah caranya menjalankan Virgin Airways. Kebanyakan penerbangan saat ini mendapatkan banyak uang dengan memotong biaya mereka dan menawarkan sedikit pelayanan kepada pelanggan mereka. Tapi Branson tidak. Golongan kelas pertama Airways Virgin memiliki video game dan film. Ada es krim dan hiburan untuk anak-anak. Ada box besar untuk tidur yang berukuran besar, sebuah tempat untuk latihan golf, dan ruang santai dengan kamar spa. Ada juga pelayanan mewah seperti pemijatan, perawatan tangan dan kuku, dan juga pelayanan seperti didalam mobil limusin dan dari bandara. Lama-kelamaan, Branson merencanakan untuk mempunyai kamar mandi pribadi dalam pesawatnya.

Richard Branson tidak takut untuk melakukan hal-hal liar dan aneh, terutama jika itu ditujukan untuk publisitas untuk satu dari bisnis barunya. Suatu hari, seorang pelayan penerbangan Virgin Airways memberitahukan Branson tentang idenya untuk memulai sebuah bisnis pernikahan. Branson mendukung jessica untuk melakukannya dan mengatakan bahwa dia akan membantunya. Jessica dengan segera menjadi kepala dari Virgin Bride, sebuah perusahaan yang merencanakan pernikahan dan bulan madu. Untuk mempublikasikan perusahaan barunya, Branson memakai sebuah gaun pengantin wanita. Ini hanya satu dari kebanyakan hal-hal memalukan yang ia lakukan. Dia bahkan tiba dipernikahannya sendiri dengan bergantung dari sebuah helikopter.

Petualangan alam Branson telah memimpinnya untuk mengambil resiko dalam bisnis. Tapi itu tidak pernah cukup menggembirakannya. Dia terkenal untuk petualangan menantang kematiannya seperti dia untuk prestasi bisnisnya. Dia memecahkan rekor dan menjadi orang tercepat untuk melewati Samudra Atlantik dengan kapal. Pada tahun 1987, dia mengambil pelajaran Skydiving dan hampir membunuh dirinya ketika tiba-tiba dia melepas kaitan parasutnya. Beruntungnya, seorang instruktur menyelamatkannya ditengah-tengah latihannya. Pendek cerita setelah kejadian itu, Branson melakukan perjalanan dari Amerika Serikat ke Irlandia dalam balon udara terbesar yang pernah dibuat. Itu adalah perjalanan pertama antar-atlantik dengan sebuah balon. Ketika Branson dan pilot pembantu mencapai Irlandia, angin sangat buruk yang menyebabkan mereka hampir meninggal di Air Dingin Atlantik.

Pada tahun 1991, Branson menjadi orang pertama yang melintasi Samudra Pasific dengan balon. Perjalanan dari Jepang ke Kanada yang mendekati 7000 mil dan balon melaju secepat 240 mil perjam. Ada banyak saat-saat menakutkan, seperti ketika balon kehabisan bahan baker 2 tangki. Mereka juga naik sangat tinggi pada satu titik, yang sangat berbahaya. Mereka diperkirakan mendarat di Los Angeles, tapi mereka mendarat di Gunung Rocky Canadian sebagai gantinya-hampir sejauh 2000 mil. Branson ingin menjadi orang pertama yang terbang mengelilingi dunia dengan balon udara. Dia mencoba 4 kali antara Januari 1997 dan Desember 1998. pada percobaannya yang terakhir hal tersebut terlihat seperti dia dapat membuatnya, tapi angin topan membuat balon itu mendarat di Samudra Hawai.

Impian Branson menjadi orang pertama untuk mengelilingi dunia dengan balon tidak tercapai untuknya; seseorang yang lain melakukan apa yang dilakukannya. Ini sulit dibayangkan apa yang Branson inginkan dipikirkan oleh orang lain, kedua orang sebagai pebisnis dan pemberani. Ketika seseorang yang baru-baru saja bertanya padanya tentang masa depan kerajaan perjalanannya, dia menjawab, “Virgin Space.” Siapa yang tahu? Jika siapa saja yang mau menerbangkan orang keliling angkasa, itu pasti adalah Richard Branson.

“Nikola Tesla”

Nikola Tesla adalah salah satu penemu yang paling penting dalam sejarah. Tesla menemukan lebih dari 120 temuan. Kebanyakan dari penemuan itu masih digunakan sampai hari ini dalam bentuk yang sama atau yang lain. Dia menemukan lampu pijar, mesin bertenaga matahari, robot, jam elektrik yang pertama, dan sebuah bagian mesin yang sangat penting yang digunakan di radio dan televisi. Penemuannya yang paling penting adalah listrik arus bolak-balik atau AC. System listrik ini digunakan disetiap rumah, pabrik, dan kantor dalam dunia moderen. Tapi kebanyakan orang bahkan tidak mengenal siapa Nikola itu.

Nikola Tesla lahir pada tahun 1856 di Smijan, Croasia. Nikola adalah seorang anak yang luar biasa. Dia mempunyai daya ingat yang sangat tajam, jadi dia dapat mengingat dengan sangat cepat keseluruhan halaman buku setelah ia melihatnya. Dia juga suka menulis puisi. Ketika dia berusia lima tahun, dia membangun sebuah kincir air dan dia mencoba untuk terbang dengan pesawat buatannya sendiri. Pada tahun yang sama, saudara laki-laki Nikola meninggal. Orang-orang bilang Nikola dengan sengaja mendorongnya dari tangga. Setelah itu, Nikola mulai bersikap aneh.

Sewaktu kecil, Nikola sering sakit dengan penyakit yang aneh bahkan dokter pun tidak dapat menyembuhkannya. Dia juga melihat kilatan cahaya ketika dia sedang senang atau ketika dia sedang berpikir keras tentang sesuatu. Ketika Nikola mulai melakukan sesuatu, dia tidak dapat berhetni. Ketika dia berusia delapan tahun, dia sangat terobsesi membaca buku dan sering membaca setiap malam tanpa tidur. Kmudian, ketika dia belajar di Universitas Prague dia belajar dari jam 3 dini hari sampai jam 11 setiap malamnya. Selama hidupnya, Tesla hanya tidur selama 2 jam setiap malamnya.

Ketika Tesla masih belajar di Universitas Prague, dia memikirkan ide untuk menggunakan arus AC (bolak-alik) dalam sebuah mesin. Dia membalikkan arus langsung (DC) yang berasal dari baterai. Arus alternative adalah sebuah tipe listrik yang lebih baik dan lebih kuat . professornya bilang bahwa hal tersebut tidak akan berhasil, tapi Tesla tetap mengerjakannya. Ketika ayah Tesla meninggal, dia harus keluar dari sekolahnya untuk mencari pekerjaaan. Tesla bekerja untuk perusahaan telepon di Budapest. Tapi dia tetap tidak dapat berhenti berpikir terhadap idenya. Seperti segala apapun yang telah ia lakukan, dia tidak dapat berhenti sampai ia berhasil menyelesaikan masalahnya.

Suatu hari, Nikola Tesla memiliki pandangan terhadap keseluruhan tipe baru dari system energi listrik. Tesla bekerja sebagai ahli mesin untuk perusahaan Continental Edison. Sementara ia bekerja disana, dia membangun contoh mesinnya yang pertama. Tapi orang-orang diperusahaannya tidak tertarik pada penemuannya. Tesla memutuskan untuk pergi ke Amerika untuk bertemu dengan penemu hebat Thomas Edison. Dia tiba hanya dengan 14 cent dikantongnya!

Tapi Edison tak pernah menyukai idenya sekalipun. Dari keseluruhan itu, Edison adalah penemu dari system listrik DC. Edison memberikan Tesla sebuah pekerjaan, pada akhirnya. Dia memberikan Tesla sebuah rancangan yang Edison pun merasa sangat tidak mungkin. Tesla harus mengerjakan ulang setiap energi pada generator di Kota New York. Tesla mulai bekerja pada jam 10.30 pagi dan berakhir pada jam 5 pada pagi selanjutnya. Dia mengerjakannya 7 hari seminggu. Kadang-kadang dia bekerja selama 2 atau 3 hari tanpa istirahat. Ketika Tesla selesai, Edison menolak membayar $50.000 seperti yang telah Edison janjikan. Setelah itu Edison dan Tesla menjadi musuh.

Nikola Tesla membuat perusahaan lampu listrik Tesla dan menerima 40 paten untuk peralatan arus AC. Paten adalah surat resmi yang memberikan seseorang hak untuk menjadi satu-satunya yang membuat sebuah penemuan baru. Kemudian dia menjual patennya ke kepala perusahaan listrik Westinghouse, George Westinghouse.

Hypertext by L. Hardman Summarizing

The modernization of technology is one of the reasons why hypertext becomes so popular at this time. People need to access the information in a faster and easier way. Hypertext provides us a lot of reference choices, so that it will be easy to access much information from different sources. Paper document will be replaced by the hypertext because it is considered as the best way to get much information in an access. The problem is even though many people used hypertext for their information necessity it still needs for granted.

Hypertext is kind of nodes that contain of text, which is connected by links. These links took the reader into every text that they want, so the reader will not only focus on one source but all of sources. There are three people who thought about and tried to create the device that can allow their hypertext ideas. Vannevar Bush is the first one who appeared the concept about hypertext in his article ‘As we may think’ in 1945. He creates a device called the ‘Memex’ it tied the text or the information together.

The second is in the early 1960’s Douglas Englebart also had the same idea, so he creates a system called NLS (oN-Line system) that later renamed to be Augment. The device has various hypertexts that allow information to be crossed-reference. At the same period, finally the hypertext term was coined y Ted Nelson. He wants the document is available for everyone and they not only can connect it by using the link but also can use it and make their own self link, so he creates a device system called Xanadu.

Hypertext is not only considered as a text, but also it can be in other media such as video, sound, graphic and animation and it is called hypermedia. There are six features that characterize hypertext systems; Guid, HyperCard, hyperties, intermedia, KMS and NoteCards. These are the commercial systems and have each feature. The first is Frame versus Document, here three of the devices are included as a frame window; HyperCard, hyperties and KMS because those devices has fixed size and number while Guide, Intermedia and NoteCards called Documents that has different size on the screen and the contents of the window which can be scrolled.

The second is Link Source and Destination; in this case, the link has a connection to the destination that the links in HyperCard, hyperties and KMS have as their destination the whole frame, while the links’ destination in Guide and Intermedia are words or phrases. The third is Link markers, it is used as a sign for the readers to know where the links on the screen. Intermedia and KMS have a special symbol of the link, Guide and hyperties have different text style or highlight text to differentiate the links, while NoteCards draw a special box of the links. The last is Miscellaneous Features; some links had different style in informing the reader about the text such as hyperties document let the reader read short information about the text first to give a description about the text and then intermedia linked item into some multiple destinations that had some choice of the different text, and other such as intermedia and NoteCard displayed the information about the text graphically.

Why hypertext becomes so familiar in this period because it is considered can fulfill people’s necessity about the information by using hypertext. The reader can explore and enrich whatever text that they need. When a student looks for the information in the internet, then he entered a specific key word into Goggle search so the result is the Google will give a lot of connected text so that the student will get a lot of sources for his information. For the future hypertext as a structured text that has a lot of connection sources will replace the paper that is thought as a linear document that read only in a source without any other reference. Even though hypertext still need for granted I am absolutely sure it will be granted soon.

Thinking outside the box: Edward de Bono’s Lateral Thinking Summarizing

Based on de Bono’s hypothesis that Human Brain is an information –processor, it means every information that comes into the brain will be automatically processed. The established cognitive pattern of human brain that have a sequent pattern will be disrupted by the lateral thinking so as the result the habitual way thought will create new opinion. The process of insight itself is a process to produce expected outcome while the lateral thinking purpose is to build a new picture about the way thinking as habitual from expected to be an unexpected result.
According to de Bono’s opinion, I catch that there are two creativity, the first is a creativity that belongs to the people itself that exist as the way it is (crazy creativity) and the second is the creativity that exist because of the learning process (serious creativity). Crazy creativity is kind of gift talent and serious creativity is a process that allows people to be relax, comfortable, and they can remove the inhibition, by learning process. Lateral thinking comes up as a proof to against the assumption that “some people was born creative while other are not”, because everyone can be creative, as if they want to change their sequent thought pattern into creative thinking.
The dilemma of our whole thinking culture is the assumption that said every valuable creative idea always be logical in hindsight, so the creative idea that is not logical in hindsight cannot be accept has a valuable. I think creativity cannot be measure into logical or not because creativity is free and not limited. The most important think is we dare to escape from the ordinary, be different and thought as free as we can.
Brain has a connection to the creativity because as I have explained about de Bono’s hypothesis about human brain it as the main information-processor. If the main information has sequent cognitive pattern it will not be creative because the way it thinking is monotone. It will be different if the brain has a lateral thinking because the disruption creates a new point of view.

Bekasi’s Sport Stadium Vs Unwell-provided facilities

Just now, in Bekasi people realize that being healthy is one of the most important things in this life. While they want to keep it but there are no facilities to support their enthusiast. People need a sport arena that is supported many good and clean facilities. In this case, those are facilities are good in condition of the building and clean from baggage. Even though the government provided us a stadium for sport arena but the problem is the government does not provide good and clean facilities.
As you can see when you come to the sport stadium. How the building of the stadium is looks like? The untreated old building with the faded paint gives a dreadful impression to the people. It makes people think whether the government care about the condition or not. When I interviewed some of the people there, they gave many complains to the government. For instance, Rio, he plays basketball as his hobby and has used the basketball hall for three years. He complains about the bad facilities there, especially the basketball hall. For three years, it has been damage, dirty and untreated while there is no reaction from the government to renovate it. He hopes the government will give a better improvement to the sport stadium facilities.
The unsightly building is the first reason people blame the government for this lack, because to go sporting, they need comfortable facilities. It means a clean place and a good condition of the building. They do not need a luxury sport stadium, so the government should not renovate it to be like that. They just need it clean from baggage and repaint the building, so that the building will not give a dreadful impression anymore to them. Just imagine when they sport on the middle of the dirty, bad smell and unattractive building it will not bring calm-minded and the pleasure to sport but uncomfortable feeling. Even though staying healthy is a necessity, but it also needs a healthy sport stadium to.
Another complains is about the basic facility, which is no clean toilet. Every building has been bad in condition, smell and damage toilet. When I interviewed some visitors, they said the same things. The first one is Uka, he came to the sport stadium enjoying the fresh air and walking around the stadium. He said that “he appreciates to the government because of the stadium existence. The sport stadium becomes a lung of Bekasi’s city but unfortunately the government misses the important thing that is no clean toilet in every facility, he hopes the stadium will be better for the future.” It was same to the others' visitors that were the students from the senior high school. They said that “it is too difficult for them to find a clean toilet there, and they also hope the government will care about this problem.” See that, from those complains there is only one impression that I catch from the government, they do not care about it because no reaction to solve it faster and to show us that the government really serious in solving it.
It may be a simple thing but in fact, it has a big role. For example, when some visitor comes to sport that caused them sweated such as plays basketball, volleyball or football they absolutely need to go to the toilet even though for washing their face from it. On the other hand, if suddenly they need to pee or defecate, where they should go? If every building has damage and no clean toilet, should they go to the people’s house around of the stadium to find it? See what I mean? It is really needed for the visitors’ comfortable. Well, the toilet becomes so dirty and untreated because there is no cleaner, is not it? So, to solve this problem the sport stadium just needed a cleaner and the government should provide it.
Okay, maybe the focus of the government is not about the well providing facilities but the number of the visitors. The government tries to interest visitors not only to sport but also as a recreation place for family. In weekends, the visitors who come to the stadium are not only having sport but also recreation, shopping and refreshing with their family. As you can see, in weekends the stadium is changed to be a temporary market. This market always opens from the early morning. It provided every kind of trader; the visitors can find kinds of souvenir there, then kinds of delicious food and many cheaper clothes. The visitors who ride a motorcycle are only paying Rp.1000, 00 for a ticket, while the others who do not ride a motorcycle are free. This strategy is successful. Many visitors come to the stadium, although for doing sport or not.

Well, I admit that the strategy is very successful. Focusing on the number of the visitors is not a bad idea, because it can be a measure to know the visitor’s interesting to come to the stadium, whether they come to do sport or not. But, I think it must be supported by considering the visitor’s comfortable. In this case, the government should provide the facilities itself. Even though the visitors are not complaining directly to the government, but I am absolutely sure that actually they really need better facilities in the stadium. In fact, the problem is not the number of the visitors because as I have said before in the beginning, being healthy is important. The people will do the sport to keep their healthy while the government had provided a stadium as a place to do that. So, with or without the strategy to interest the visitors to come to the stadium they will be always come to the stadium, because they need a place. So that, by considering this point, the government should be able provide the best facilities to the visitors to give more attention about the well provided facilities. So, both of side; the government and the visitors are mutually beneficial.

Actually, the facilities do not have to be renovated for overall. If the consideration is the cost for renovating will be expensive. The most things that the government should do are to give more attention in managing the stadium. It means that the stadium should be watched and considered what a necessary for the visitors. I think the first and the second problem that appears to be the basic and important problem. It must be solved faster to show that the government is serious in solving it. If we consider on both problems, actually the government only provides the budget for buying the tint to paint the building that looks untreated, old with faded paint and for bad condition, smell and damage toilet the government should provide budget to pay some cleaner and repair the condition itself. Actually, the problem will be solved easier and cheaper if the consideration of the government is really to provide well facilities for the visitors. The most last important thing is it should be balanced by the government commitment managing and watching the facilities’ order that for the next time the facilities’ problem will never exist anymore.

Gender and Language Summarizing K. M. McCormick

Based on McCormick explanation about Gender and Language the differences of language usage between male and female is not caused by the biological sex, because there is no relationship between sexes and language usages. It relates to something is called gender. Gender is a social and psychology category about male and female, how the way they should speak, speech, and behaves. It can be seeing from the historical perspective view about the relationship between language and gender that tends to judge where right and wrong is and other to describe both point of views and can be found from text written and the behavior in a sociality’s group. Then there are three points of view about research in Anthropology, sociology, psychology, sociolinguistic and discourse analysis in twentieth century, the first the contemporary societies give verbal expression about men and women perception in language attitudes, secondly describe the way the speaker based on the sex, and the last cause and effect they were described. In the late twentieth the work in language is the broader framework where there is a societal power that manages the speaking right whose granting and withholding to speak because there is a theory about voice whose heard will be representative and considered truthful while voice whose unheard will lose the speaking right because of their silence. It is supported in all societies, there is some individual or group have greater speaking right than other and a man is considered as the powerful in speaking right than women.
In this article McCormick gave some detail about gender distinction in using language. Economic, social activity and education are the influence of the distribution of role, ascription and achievement of status in all societies’ gender. In Rochefort’s study, he describes about arawak women who taught her daughter by her language, while her son prefers to use his father’s language. It showed different education in language even interfamily. Then in Bilingualism, Societal there is the differences in economic opportunity between men and women where if the women sell their wares the women should learn a language of wider use than are the men. In the seventeenth-century apart of Mongolia and South Africa there is a forbidden for women it’s called Taboo that is the women may not use or mention their husband names or the relative of their husband if it saw from social activity. According to Nichols 1983 in the earlier years women illiterate while men were not, if it saw in education. In other research, Labov and Trudgill has similar study about class stratification that is women language tends very refined than men, it showed the women status is high. Then for men, in Britain the pronunciation is associated with competence and intelligence qualities. The working class is considered have high value such as in humor and sincerity, and has masculine and toughness.

Mathilde as a Typically Selfish Character (The Necklace)

Have you ever thought that your life is not the life which you want? When your life is not going to be your dreamy life, human always tend to blame their life. Then their dreamy life makes them selfish. The Necklace is a short story that shows me both of those characters, the first is blame the ordinary undreamed life and the second is to be selfish because of the dreamy life.
The Necklace tells about a typically a poor life of a human that has a dream to be rich, in this case the character it self, “Mathilde” she thinks that her poor life was not made for her but she does not have any choice to change her poor life. It is suffered her and make her selfish.
Sometimes, we as a human never realize that what we have is a gift from god. We are never grateful and positive thinking about everything happens in our life. It is showed by the third paragraph “”when she sat for dinner at the round table covered with a three-days-old cloth, opposite her husband… She imagined, delicate meals, gleaming silver, tapestries peopling the walls with folk of a past age strange birds in faery forest; she imagined delicate food served in marvelous dishes, murmured gallantries, listened to with an inscrutable smile as one trifled with the rosy flesh of trout or wings of asparagus chicken.”” So wonderful what did she imagine, even though she is facing Scotch broth? Actually she wants another food that more delicious and expensive and she would not her food. Meanwhile if she considers to other people that poorer than her, maybe they are being hunger because of no food to eat.
Mathilde’s life makes her selfish; it is showed when her husband gives her an invitation to go to the party of her husband ministry. She refuses it because she does not have any beautiful dress as she said on the eight paragraphs, “”And what do you suppose I am to wear at such an affair?””, see what I mean? In this case Mathilde just thinks about herself, her appearance will be like what if she does not wear any appropriate dress, she will not looks bad and poor at the party, then on the others paragraph exactly on the fifteenth paragraphs, it shows her selfish again, “”I’m utterly miserable at not having any jewels not a single stone to wear” she replied.” I shall look absolutely no one. I would almost rather not to go to the party.”” Once again, she just thinks about herself is not she? She does not thinks about her husband feeling if she cancels to go to the party, meanwhile her husband has spent his saving money to buy gun but he realizes it to buy her wife’s dress.
On the others paragraph that shows her truly selfish is on the twenty seventh paragraphs, that is when the necklace lost, she does not do anything. While her husband is trying to find it by “went to the police station, to the newspapers, to offer a reward, to the cab companies, everywhere that a ray of hope impelled him. She waited all day long, in the same state of bewilderment at this fearful catastrophe.”” She had lost the necklace but her husband should fight to find it. But her blaming finally self-addressed it seems at the end of the story on the fortieth paragraph when everything has changed and her life becomes so miserable she said that “”what would have happened if she had never lost those jewels. Who knows? Who knows? How strange life is, how fickle! How little is needed to ruin or to save!” even though she blame herself, but she just blame why she lost the necklace is not her mistake want something that makes her life so misarble.
If she never thought to be rich and be grateful to this life, maybe she will not be so miserable than she have now. She will never be so selfish in wanting something that she cannot control it. If she just be grateful and be positive thinking, maybe her life would not be miserable.

About Me

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bekasi, jawa barat, Indonesia
Do you really wanna know me? really? are you sure? okay.... I'm gonna tell you a lil bit about me. I'm just a chaos and distractible girl. I'd love to randomly post anything which distracts me. So, my post could be a sad, gloomy, cheerful, cheesy, fashionable, messy, creative or stuck writing. Just Enjoy!!!! :D